I was sent a sample of Tedee Pro lock and Tedee Bridge by Tedee’s US distributor to test in our products.
I’ve been trying Tedee Pro for the past month or so and for the past week, the lock appears constantly disconected on the app. I am able to reconnect it by following the troubleshooting instructions on the smart lock’s screen info pop-up, which involves pressing the physical button on the lock until the lights flash. That makes the lock come back online in my app, But then, after a few hours it disconnects again.
I am not getting low battery alerts.
I also have installed Tedee Bridge.
I’ve included screenshots of my app.
Sometimes, after I close the info pop-up, the lock seems to be connected again in the smart lock screen (without having to press physically press the button on the lock), and works when I operate it from the app, but when I go back to the My Devices screen, it appears disconected again.