I purchased Tedee Pro with bridge and keypad for short term rental apartment this year. The lock has gone uncalibrated twice. I think it’s because guests are turning too much from inside but I might be wrong. That’s a real challenge since I cannot calibrate it remotely. Is there any solution for it? Not for remote calibration but for preventing from uncalibration.
Hello! I would also be interested in the answer, as I had a somewhat similar situation.
I have 2 Tedee Pro (with bridge and keypad) in 2 apartments in a different city, one of them also being used for short term rentals. The lock in the rental apartment got decalibrated 3 times during the summer, but as far as I could tell this was because the guests accidentally turned off (and on) the lock, most likely by pressing and holding the button on the lock for more than 5 seconds.
So it might be worth checking the lock history to see if your decalibration also happened after the lock got turned off, like in my case.
I was also able to reproduce the issue manually myself with the other lock a couple of months ago. I just turned my lock off and on several times and the lock got decalibrated. I tried this multiple times in the same day and managed to decalibrate the lock 2 or 3 times, so it’s not an one off thing and seems rather easy to repro.
Thank you for your feedback. That might be the issue also with my lock.
I’m still waiting for Tedee Support Team reply.
Meanhwile, I think there’s one thing we can do: print the information (and stick it on the door) that users are allowed to use only button (not manual lock and unlock) and when press it release it immediately, don’t hold it for more than 1 sec.
But… I found few topics in forum that indicates we’re not alone and it’s not good news. Users described several examples when a lock becomes uncalibrated. There aren’t given any solutions by Tedee Support Team. What’s more, some issues were reported 2 months ago. All in all, there might be quite a few reasons why we’re experiencing it, on the other side, Tedee Team doesn’t know why it happens and as a result cannot help users. That’s how I see it.
If you switch off the lock and then move it (even slightly) you will need to calibrate it after switching it on.
If the lock becomes uncalibrated without being switched off, we need to investigate it further. You can verify if the lock was turned off in the ‘Activities’ section.