Hello, when connected with the bridge, the un-/lock - operation only works randomly. The circle on the app is rotating as lomg as the time-out screen is coming but nothing happens to the lock. When i’m clicking on wait, the un-/lock thing is working, but not every time after clicken “wait” in the time-out screen. When i’m connecting driectly to the lock, everything is working fine. I already resettet the lock. Can i reset the bridge also?
Thank you Jorge, the support team should already contacted with you.
what are the next Steps?
Best Regards
Hello Tedee-Team.
After the last Bridge Update, everything is working as expected!
Great Job!
Thank you!
Hi there, I have similar issues, after I bought bridge I have problem to unlock my door from my phone. To me it looks like it is caused by that that I have very bad signal at hallway in front of the door and the app tries to unlock the lock over internet. After 1min or so it times out and it will try bluetooth which works. On my Apple Watch app it works immediately because they are using only bluetooth. Really appreciate any help!