Hello, I understand that you are planning a Smartthings integration. Will Tedee be Matter compatible as Smarthings hub soon will be and is it that transformation that Tedee are waiting for to happen before Tedee integrate the Smartthings platform?
I am interested in the same question. Both Smartthings integration and Matter support is a must for me.
Me too. Smart things or smart life
Przydałaby się integracja że Smartthinghs umożliwiająca na podstawie stanu zamka sterowanie innych urządzeń.
Dzien dobry, chcialbym sie spytac jak wyglada sytiacji integracji w ecosystem Smartthings?
No właśnie. Może ktoś z obsługi technicznej by się wypowiedział w temacie. Albo na “nie” albo na “tak”.
Added planned
I am pleased to announce that integration with SmartThings is currently in the testing phase. Let me know if you want to test it and share your opinion.
I want to test it. Please contact me with the details.
Panie Konradzie czy mozna dostać dostęp do testów integracji zamka z smart things ?
Added in-progress and removed planned
I’m wiling to test the Smartthings integration and what it can do.
Best regards,
I am a long-time Smartthings advanced user and have had my Tedee GO with the Smartbridge for over a year now.
I would be very much interested pairing it together in a system and try it out as a beta tester.
Many Thanks in advance for the opportunity and support.
Please do not hesitate to get back at me at any time.
I’d like to test the smart things integration
@Konrad Yes, I would like to tryout please.
Regards, Alferink
Hi, I would lik to test the Smartthings integration as well @Konrad
Hi @Konrad
I tested now the Smartthings integration and I’m missing the option to pull the spring if the Tedee is unlocked. If I press unlock (to activate a pull spring at unlocked door) nothing happens. Pull spring is not activated. Please correct it in drivers.
2 possible solutions
You add the option to activate a pull spring as extra option or
You correct the drivers that if the lock in unlocked and the unlock command is triggered that the pull spring is initiated.
@Marko_Herman Unfortunatelly SmartThings does not support Latch for smart locks We informed Samsung that this is necessary for the correct operation of smart locks.
How do you perform the Unlock action on a locked lock in the SmartThings app? SmartThings has only one toggle button: unlock/lock.
Hi @Konrad
If I Unlock it with Smartthings the Latch is being pooled. So If the drivers would initiate unlock ( regardless the state) it would probably do the Latch pool.
Hi Konrad, Is the integration connecting the device directly to smartthings hub or It requires the bridge?