HomeKit Beta

Hello tedee users, We’ve been working hard on HomeKit integration. In the upcoming weeks we will release few beta versions for mobile and devices and we’ll ask you for help. Please note that the “beta” versions may be unstable. By joining the testing program, you acknowledge that application may not match quality standards as a regular version does. How to join for Android Beta If you want to join the beta program please sign up for using this link or directly from Google Play app link. You can leave the testing program any time using the same link and install the public version from store. How to join for iOS Beta You can join iOS beta using this public link. In order to install the app, you will need to download and open TestFlight. Please follow the steps from the manual: https://testflight.apple.com/. To leave testing program, you can delete yourself as a tester in the app’s Information page in TestFlight by tapping Stop Testing and install the public version from store. Version 1.115.01 beta (iOS), beta (Android) This version introduce new way of discovering and connecting to tedee devices via Bluetooth that will be released later with a HomeKit firmware update. During this test we want to make sure that backward combability is working and users doesn’t have issues with connecting to exiting devices via Bluetooth. What to test: Check if adding device process is working Check if you can update device firmware from mobile Check if you can unlock/lock the lock from phone/widget via Bluetooth Check if Apple Watch is working We already have tested this and everything worked fine. Please share your feedback under this post.

Hi Konrad,

I have installed the IOS BETA

Dear Konrad,

could you please share more information on the procedure of tests and what to test. Are we able to connect the lock to the home App from Apple, yet? If yes, how to initiate the process?

Witam. Panie Konradzie zainstalowałem na iOS TestFlight oraz przystąpiłem do wersji Beta Tedee z podanego linku. Jak mam dodać zamek do aplikacji Dom ?

This version does not yet introduce HomeKit support so you can’t use your lock from home app yet. But we made a lot changes that will make this possible in future, this changes are strictly connected with Bluetooth communication. Because of the amount of changes we want to make sure that this version is working correctly for our users on daily bases as well as it is working correctly with all our features that’s requires Bluetooth communication such as WiFi configuration, firmware update or auto-unlock.

I see. Thought I have missed it somewhere and do not test the right things. Thanks for clarifying

We have good news, we end this part of mobile beta program with great result and we want to thank you all who participated in it. Changes that we have introduced during this period was included in newest mobile app version 1.116.0 . In the mean time, we will be not updating our mobile beta builds so we advice to update to the newest version from the store and stay tuned for updates about HomeKit integration. In near future we will start next part of HomeKit beta testing.

Hi Konrad,
is there a new test version available?

Hi Lars, This is the plan: Beta mobile app which support new ‘HomeKit’ connection [DONE] Public mobile app supported ‘HomeKit’ connection [DONE] Public Bridge firmware with new ‘HomeKit’ connection [DONE] Internal Beta with new Tedee HomeKit lock [IN PROGRESS] Public Lock firmware with new ‘HomeKit’ connection [IN PROGRESS] External Beta with new Tedee HomeKit lock Small group with public preview for upgrading existing lock to HomeKit Public release

Dear Konrad,
any timeframe behind the planning you mentioned earlier? I do have our lock in HomeKit right know over Tobias homebridge plugin. It would be interesting to directly compare the performance and details of the integration.

Can I pull the latch separately in the Tedee HomeKit Integration?

yes you can pull the latch but because of HomeKit limitations it will not be as simple as button click

This is how it looks like in my home app. If you would like to click you can always use the Eve App or other HomeKit Apps

Hi, is it still possible to test the beta?

Hi Jörg,
maybe yes. Right know there is nothing to test. We are waiting for the next public testing phase according to Konrads test planning above

Hi Lars, ok! Actually testflight says, no new testers are acceptable.

No worries, actually there is nothing you miss right now

Any news on HomeKit?

Hey Lars, we’re on it… more news should arrive in three weeks. The point is that we cannot give you any exact date at the moment but it’s near.

Dear Andrzej,
thanks and great to hear. Moreover my wife and me are very pleased with the product no matter if it has HomeKit or not.
We are living in an rented Appartement and the lock and some outlets are the only smart devices that are moving with us. Everything else will be build new from the scratch.

Cheers and stay healthy

