Open without pull-spring occasionally

I really love auto pull spring option in tedee. But sometimes i would prefer to unlock doors only (when it’s windy or when i want to unlock door for someone coming to my house) Would be possible to replace disabled Close button with Open when door is closed and auto pull-spring is enabled?

pull-spring should be separately/differently adjustable: for: - manual button on the lock (I miss this very much). - auto-unlock

  • both options for opening in the app (see Aleksander) Thanks :slight_smile:

ťažná pružina by mala byť samostatne/rôzne nastaviteľná: pre:

  • ručné tlačidlo na zámku (mám kľučku z vnútornej strany). Chcem len odomknúť, nie otvoriť dvere
  • automatické odomykanie (z vonkajšej strany je gulička, takže je potrebné)
    Toto nám veľmi chýba a som sklamaný, že to takto nefunguje

Now you can control the pull spring behavior for auto-unlock feature

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