Muel-type lock - how-to hack to make an adapter for the euro adapter and Tedee pro

I have a Muel-type lock. I replaced the cylinder but the casing still had a protuding 25mm round piece of metal housing the lock. These are very common in France. I had assumed the euro-adapter would help but it did not.

I didn’t want to go to a larger, uglier lock opener so I decided to take a chance and created my own adapter-adapter that I bolted on to the Tedee adapter. This is a bit of a hack but it’s working good for me. I don’t recommend it unless you know what you are doing and you are willing to mess up a few times.

I first attempted with metal-metal epoxy to glue the euro adapter onto the lock directly and then tried again epoxying it onto a 25mm ring - these attempts failed. Glue just can’t handle the forces and torque. Note: you’ll have to be precise with the key length when you cut it so measure carefully.

  • Get a tedee euro adapter
  • Get a couple of metal adapter rings. I ordered some online for 10€ - 25mm ID 45mm OD, double split rings
  • Get a M4 thread repair kit
  • Get some good HSS-CO drill bits for metal
  • Measure very carefully
  • In the bottom two quadrants of the euro adapter, use the thread repair kit to drill two holes, insert the springs, and snap off the bottom. This will give you two nice threaded M4 holes to attach your new adapter too (yes you are drilling into the euro adapter - don’t screw up :slight_smile: )
  • In your metal O-ring, drill two M4 holes that align perfectly with the adapter holes you made. No need for threads here, just M4 holes for bolts to pass through.
  • Optional: I added an extra bolt in the middle of the two other holes to sit between the “keyhole” grove of the euro adapter, just to give it more metal to torque against besides the two bolts. I used M4 as well, mostly because I had a bolt that was flat and the perfect width for the keyhole
  • Attach adapter to tedee as normal
  • Put your optional bolt in - flat head toward the tedee
  • Bolt on your adapter adapter using M4 20mm bolts
  • Now put your adapter on the lock as normal

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