When de door is open and the (auto) lock kicks in, the door won’t close, because the lock lip bounces to the door frame…
A simpel wireless doorcontact ( zwave?) to detect if the door is closed could prevent this. And just activate the lock when the door is fully closed…
This could also add a feature to warn if the door is open, or closed but not locked.
Hey, it’s one of the reasons why we integrate the lock with all smarthome systems. You can build the scenes using other devices that work in the same environment. There are many door contacts available and they can work in line with the logic you described.
Well, still waiting for fibaro know you have API, but maybe worth adding z-wave/zigbee support?
Hi there just bumping this thread because I have a similar issue and was wondering if you’d be able to give a concrete example on how to integrate this (door not locking when the doors open) ideally using a sensor that works with alexa and homekit
The solution is very simple. Please, add a binary input to the keypad or gateway. Then we can just attach a door sensor or anything else, such as a fingerprint reader. Simple and effective… I’m just deciding for a smartlock and this is the basis - is the door open?
i agree. this would be a great feature.
I would also like to know how to integrate this. I can’t see any way in the API to tell the lock that the door is open or closed. It would also be nice if the delay lock could work based on the state of the door being open or closed. e.g. currently I have a 10 second delay configured when long pressing the button to lock because 5 seconds seems a bit short. But typically I do close the door within 5 seconds so then I’m waiting for 5+ seconds to check that it does in fact lock. It would be great if the delay could be configured as e.g. 2 seconds after the door is closed.
Hi, it depends on what smarthome system you use. We are also working on our own door sensor
I have sonoff zigbee door sensors connected to Home Assistant via zigbee2mqtt. I wouldn’t be opposed to something tedee specific though, particularly if it integrated better. Going sensor->zigbee2mqtt->mqtt broker->Home Assistant->tedee cloud->tedee bridge->tedee lock is a lot of hops!
Any update on this @Magdalena Turkiewicz? Dedicated door sensor from Tedee? Jammed lock is a bad lock.
Added planned
Any news about it @konrad?
Is not that far away
Seems to be really soon - it is already revealed in the app to enhance Tedee with DoorSensor, but there is no info yet on the web - neither on Polish nor English product websites.